We didn't take any pics of the students today. Nor did we organize the pharmacy. We DID, however, get some work done at the hospital with the June team's credentials (without this work, they will not be permitted to operate).
We also got to market and got some very yummy fruits and vegetables. And some fun other stuff I'm probably not supposed to write about (it might ruin a surprise or two).
We also got the internet connection repaired on our desktop! The lightning strike had destroyed not only our router, but also the internet card on the computer. Less than $13, installed. It coulda been worse.
We DID, however, this past week, finish Heidi's Valentine's gift from Matt. Yeah, it's on Guatemala time. Below, you'll see a pic of what the shower looked like before, then two of the current setup...

Tomorrow is a busy day at Buen Samaritano... Wish us luck!!!
Nice work Matt! I'm not sure how Heidi got along for almost a year without a bathtub!! :) Enjoy it Heidi!
Wow, your bathtub looks high class like Hotel Atilan!! Enjoy!! Your patience finally paid off.
God bless you and your visitors.
Tell Isaac that Grandma and Grandpa send their love.
Love and prayers, Mom
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