Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day at Home

This morning started out with a nice gift from Heidi to Matt. Isaac woke up around 6:30 but Heidi took him out to the living room and gave Matt another hour and a half to sleep. NICE!

Even nicer was the fact that Heidi and Isaac went to market while Matt was still out. A surprise find was Reese's Pieces, which Matt made into some pancakes when he woke up. Try it, you'll love it!

The only real business item today was a meeting with the builder.

Oh, and Isaac's ten month birthday was on Sunday, so we took his 10 month pics today. He hasn't been much of a ham for the camera in the last week or so, so below are two that we got.

Tomorrow is clinic at ASELSI, Matt has a meeting with a church group that wants him to record them, and we're meeting a friend of Katie's who is coming in from language school in Xela. We'll leave as soon as he gets here to head to Canilla. Duane will make two flights up to Zona Reyna for clinic on Friday (weather permitting).

It looks like the clinicians will be Leslie, Heidi, Katie, Hannah, and Katie's friend (a third year med student).

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