Thursday, December 21, 2006

Sports and assorted other stuff

No, we don't have a TV in Guatemala. It's not that bad, really. The only thing we really miss is sports. We can get scores and highlights online, but it's not the same as watching. So tonight we went to our second live sporting event here in the US and we've got two more to go.

Last Tuesday, we went to Michigan State vs. Belmont basketball in East Lansing, Michigan. Tonight we were at the Cleveland Cavaliers vs. Detroit Pistons game in Cleveland, Ohio. And we've confirmed that we're going to see University of North Carolina against Dayton (basketball) in Chapel Hill, NC and Carolina Hurricanes vs. Philadelphia Flyers (NHL hockey) both on New Year's Eve! WOO HOO!

In mission news, we've been so fortunate to receive a few more donations from folks who want to support the work we're doing in Guatemala. It is so humbling to realize that God is moving peoples' hearts to support the work He is doing through us. It's His mission, we're just the hands. And we are so lucky to have such great friends and partners both in the United States and in Guatemala. Not to turn this into a sermon, but we have found that when you follow God, things always turn out better than you could have planned. And when you mess up (which we do from time to time), He is always there to help clean up. What an awesome God we have!

Tomorrow, we get to babysit our beautiful niece, Sophia. You'll see her pic below. And speaking of pics, the first one is of us giving a presentation at Matt's parents' church in Temperance, Michigan.

The second is of Matt's sister, Catherine, and Sophia. (We left out the one where she's making her "monster face" - maybe next time!)

The third pic is Dr. Layman and his office staff with some of the sunglasses they donated to us. They took a bunch of the discontinued frames they had laying around and had dark glass put in. When you're at 6,000-10,000 ft elevation and 15 degrees latitude, people need all the eye protection they can get!

And the last pic is of us at Breslin Center, where Michigan State had just won another home game. Go State!

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Anonymous said...