Sunday, August 05, 2007

Wichita Falls Team

Our good friends from Wichita Falls, Texas are here once again. They came in last night, got up this morning and went to market in Chichi, then started clinic this afternoon.

One thing that's different this year is that we're using the large multi-purpose room outside the hospital for storage instead of the living room in the house. It's a much larger room, it's closer to the clinic, and being in and out all day won't wake the baby. So it's a win-win-win.

We know some of you remember Carolina, our little cleft palate baby. She is the 7th child of a mother who became widowed during her pregnancy. We've grown pretty close to this family over the past several months. Anyway, Carolina's mom, Regina, brought her by a few weeks ago for a ruptured eardrum. We told Regina then that when Carolina has another earache, she needs to get to a doctor very soon to prevent another rupture. Well, poor Carolina got another ear infection before the rupture even healed. So we saw her again two days ago. We're treating her with antibiotics - and we finally managed to get a picture of her when she's not screaming at us! - that'd be the first picture.

The second and third pics are of the crew working in the multi-purpose room to organize A TON of meds and supplies for the week.

And the last picture is of Isaac playing with a new toy. We're not sure what's going through his little mind, but it looks fun!


Anonymous said...

Isaac is interacting with the toys next to him, which are closer to his size. Before long he'll name his "friends". I'm sure that he is more alert every day and staying awake a little longer to play.

God bless you and the Wichita Falls Team in your missions.

Love and hugs, Mom

Anonymous said...

Isaac is most likely thinking:
Awwww. Poor fella:(
I sure hope my Mom & Dad don't dress me in such goofy clothes!
