Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Safely in the United States

First, we'll say that we are safely in the U.S. now. Not "conveniently", but "safely". Continental has a long way to go to be "customer service oriented" in our book, but we'll just assume that they had a really, really bad week and let it go.

Update on yesterday's blog. On Leslie's way home from San Andres, she found the grandmother of Baby Juan waiting in the road for her. So they all went back to the house in Canilla together. Apparently, Grandma was sick, too, so she got the "knock out" treatment and slept from the time she got there until this morning. Leslie wasn't so lucky. She was up all night with a very sick baby.

By this morning, it was becoming apparent that the baby needs more than just feeding, so Duane and Aaron flew the grandmother and baby to Quiche. Jacob had offered to bring us to the Quiche airstrip to meet Duane for our flight to Guatemala City. Since he was there with his truck, we asked him to give this woman and her baby a ride to the Quiche hospital, which he gladly agreed to do.

Now, our luck with sick babies at the Quiche hospital isn't too good. We've watched at least three babies die who really should have lived. We will pray that this baby does better than the others.

In any case, Isaac was a little trooper today. He really likes flying with Duane. He slept through a good portion of our two hour delay in Guatemala City and was relatively quiet through most of the flight. However, being stranded on the tarmac in Houston for 30 minutes because another plane was at our gate was more than he could take and he had his first real melt-down of the day. We were both running out of patience ourselves and this didn't really help, but we finally got into the airport where we got to wait another 30 minutes or so for Continental to find everyone's luggage. AAARRRGGGHHH!!!

Anyway, we are now at Russell and Bethany's house and cannot WAIT to see Tye in the morning. He will officially be 1 year old tomorrow. My, how time flies!!!

Please continue to pray for Baby Juan...


Anonymous said...

Welcome home!!!

Baby Juan is in our thoughts and prayers.

Hoping that situations/circumstances will be smoother going for you now.

Everyone sends their love.


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