Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Busy Day

Today was a construction day at the house. David was already here from last night. Duane, Joe, Juan, and Mynor flew in this morning. Plus, Justo Rufino (the builder) and his crew were here.

Also, Toby and Britney came over because they have been out of power at home for four days now and they needed showers and laundry done.

With the crew here, Heidi, Toby, and Britney spent the morning cooking lunch and keeping Isaac entertained. The boys worked on getting the roughed-in plumbing done on the addition.

After lunch, Heidi and Toby went to the Hospital Buen Samaritano to operate. They had originally had two cases scheduled but one cancelled last night. So the only one left was the biopsy on the amputee lady.

I think we've given her history, but Dr. Hoak amputated her leg above the knee last year due to bone cancer in her knee. Her husband drinks and when he drinks, he often beats her. He beat her a few months ago and she developed this big lump on the stump of her leg. We were hoping that it was just a big hematoma that needed to be drained. Unfortunately, it's cancer. She's only 29 years old, has four kids, the youngest a one and a half year old, and probably only has a few months to live.

We have discussed the status of her soul with her, but with this latest news, we have a little more chatting to do. We want to make sure that she has the best ministerial help she can get.

Tomorrow, we have clinic at ASELSI, then we have no idea what happens next. We never heard back from Rudy's family, so we'll just be prepared to go to Guatemala City from Chichi in case they show up. So we may be driving several hours, we may be coming home.

The pictures below were from the work today. The first pic is of the Fickers' Ford, loaded to the gills with construction materials. It doesn't look too weighed down, but that's because we jacked the back end up about a foot so that all that weight wouldn't be sitting on the springs all night.

The second shot is just a view from the corner of the addition, looking back at the existing house.

The third is of Joe and Duane, studying the blueprints and trying to decide exactly how to plumb that bathroom.

Next is Juan and David in a rare moment of inactivity.

Last is Isaac showing how a 9 month old helps out. See, everybody works. There are no spectators here. He's keeping that box from blowing away.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

There is nothing more fun to a boy than a good ol' box! Enjoy, Isaac.