This morning, we had our clinic in Chicabracan. We may have mentioned before that Isaac is pretty much "over" the whole clinic experience. So Matt and Bethany stayed home with Isaac and Tye while Heidi and Russell went to clinic. Matt got the builders re-started on the addition (after the weekend) and then got Isaac down for his nap. Then Bethany was nice enough to stay with both of the boys while Matt went to relieve Russell in clinic.
Bethany, Russell, Tye, and Isaac then spent the rest of the morning together while Matt and Heidi finished clinic. We saw about 40 patients and got home just before 2pm so the Leathermans could go up to the school in San Pedro and do Vacation Bible School with over 100 kids.
This evening, after dinner, we helped blow up around 300 balloons for an activity the kids will do tomorrow. Then the team reflected on the day, we shot the breeze for a while, and now, around 9:30 local time, pretty much everyone is in bed.
The pics are pretty self explanatory. The first two are from clinic and the last three are from the dorm tonight...
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