Saturday, April 30, 2016

Meet (2 of 4 of) the Team!

Well, the first post of the week is always entitled, "Meet the Team", but had to be edited slightly this time since only half the team is here so far-- :-(  Dr. Sylvia Botros, who some of you may remember from a May trip two years ago (urogynecologist extraordinaire from Chicago who taught me more in a week than I learned in four years of residency about urogyn?!) and the fellow (urogynecologist-in-training, post-residency) that she is traveling with got delayed until tomorrow! Boo-hiss, but not the end of the world.  With any luck, they'll be arriving in clinic just about the time Steph and I are exhausted and needing a little injection of new (albeit quite travel-weary) energy in the afternoon's flow of patients... That's usually about how it works!

Speaking of Steph, she's new to all of us-- Dr. Stephanie Marr is now the third resident I've had the privilege of hosting/precepting from the SEAHEC residency program in Wilmington, NC.  Total kudos and thanks to Todd Beste, their program director, and Skip Johnstone, who was with us on the last trip, for their continued support of this experience for their residents!  This is her first missions trip, and her first time outside the tourist areas of a developing country-- it's fun to see her enthusiasm for learning and taking in what she can about the culture and history and richness of differences.  All the pictures are hers, of course; I'm so used to all of this by now that it wouldn't dawn on me to photograph any of it.  That's why it's always so fun to see things newly through different eyes every. single. trip.  God never ceases to amaze me that way with His plans.

Tomorrow will be a long day for all of us, but I have a hard time even imagining how long it will feel for Sylvia and the other young doctor she is travelling with (I know, I really don't know her name yet!  Bad! Bad host!!!) -- their international flight out of Chicago is at 5am, with one connection, then a 3-ish hour drive once in Guatemala up to the hospital where we will be trying to put them straight to work in clinic... Can't wait to capitalize on their expertise, but seriously y'all-- PLEASE be praying for extra strength for them tomorrow?!

Also, I'll go ahead and throw out my biggest prayer request for the week right out in front-- Right now, Matt and I do not know what my employment will be after June 17th of this year.  We DO know that I will no longer be at GSK, and that I do NOT currently have anything else lined up.  Several applications out, lots of personal contacts made on my behalf, but not even a call for an interview.  Those of you who are long-time readers, close friends, or partners with us in the Gospel, please read tonight's second post as well-- "Heidi's Heart", but those just looking for an update and to keep it relatively light, DO feel free to skip it!  It's quite heavy and personal...

I'll try to grab some pictures off of Steph's phone to post tomorrow, and get one of the team if I remember.  Dr. Tom Hoak, the North American general surgeon who was down here long-term with his family from 2005 to around 2013 and is now about 6 weeks here and 6 back in the US, just popped his head in to let us know we are fixing a two year-old with an inguinal hernia in the morning-- hopefully early enough to not make us too late starting clinic, but doubtful ;-)

So yep-- pray for that kid and his family, too!  Hard to imagine taking one of my kids in for surgery, so that's just another item on my very long list of things to be truly grateful for this evening!

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