Saturday, July 29, 2017

From The Airport

So Im typing this from my phone as I never did get the internet to work on my computer this week (for once I can't blame Microsoft, though-- even though I should have brought my Mac!!)  It might be shorter than usual, but let's face it-- that's probably a good thing.  I'm a rambler.  At least I have self-awareness.

I think a list of ongoing prayer requests from the week might be a nice way of summing up the kind of week we have had in the most efficient way, actually, so here goes:

  • For Francisca, Basilia, Tomasa, Juana, Josefa Toño, Juliana, Isabel, Manuela, and Josefa Chach-- continued recovery and healing I. Their homes after discharge post-op, and most of all that their old outcomes would be a dim reflection of God's glory and live for them here on earth.
  • For Rosa, our dear friend known by the Ficker family for years now--  words can't describe how lame saying call heart is or how sick her sweet body is. She has the worst asthma I have ever seen. She has now developed diabetes from all of the prednisone she has been dependent on for so long now. She has gynecology problems from all of the coughing she has done over the years. She has unstable angina. She is only 40 years old.  She has lost a child due to the horrible healthcare here in Guatemala.  it seems so very unfair and so very sad.   We will continue to treat the problems that we can, but for those that we can't, we will continue to offer prayer and fasting. I will be in fasting for her every Monday until at least October when I go back down to Guatemala. Who will join me?  This is the only woma this is the only person I know of who is Latin who has married a Mayan person. Her husband is a pastor who translates at our clinics for us and they both have beautiful hearts for the Lord!  We selfishly want to keep her with us for a long time, so will remain in prayer for her and covet your prayers too!
  • For guidance for the nursing class I taught Friday night-- that they don't go out and try to do anything crazy and outside their realm of practice after we went over breech deliveries and shoulder dystocias!
  • For the fertility of so many young women that Kelly and I diagnosed with PCOS in Canillá this weekend-- it's just as devastating a diagnosis here if not even more so as they tend to be left by husbands with no means of providing for themselves.
  • For safe transition to flying the new larger plane that the Fickers have acquired for their ministry. (A PC-6 or Pilatus Porter for those of you interested)
  • For safe and productive decisions in the opening of inpatient and surgical services in the hospital-- especially for sterile technique and instrument provision in the OR, post-operative nursing care, and paperwork keeping-- as well as as caregivers making wise decisions about staying within their scope of practice but providing what they can for patients and finding that balance)
  • For me to remember not to try this AeroMexico flight itinerary again!
  • For us all to remain grateful for the resources God has given us, and generous with the same... 
May God bless you all to His service, and tune your hearts to sing His praise!!!!

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