Wow. Today was long—but not nearly as long as I thought it was going to be when they told me there were 20 or 25 patients waiting this afternoon to see us! I can’t believe we actually got done before 10 pm, much less in time for the SuperBowl halftime show… cool.
Sundays are always long, because they usually start with an hour or two of market, then Gringo Church up at the Hotel Casa del Rey (sooooo nice to see so many of our long-term missionary friends there each time), then some kind of makeshift lunch and we start our clinic. We try to see whoever shows up, although I think some left today when they saw that the wait might be quite long. We at least didn’t turn any away, for which I am grateful.
So, twenty-one patients later, here’s the brief rundown: 13 patients referred and 9 that came on their own, 2 that we had given appointments to come back to see us from November, 1 from one of the nurses at the hospital, and 2 from local docs at the hospital. Eight surgeries scheduled, five of which are vaginal. Two of the patients we are operating on do not know Jesus, so I will focus on them and ask for prayers.
Rosa Tol Guarcas is 73 years old and has a pretty bad prolapsed uterus. She and her family are of the “traditional Mayan religion”, they explained to me. They kind of giggled when I said that I was glad we were operating because it gave us more time to talk about “mi amigo Jesucristo”, but at least they were warned ;-) She is pictured with her daughter, Chris, and Joey.o:p>
The second picture is Catarina Gonzalez, a 55 year old patient from one of the towns where the Fickers have clinic (San Andres Sajcabaja) and also has a significant prolapse. She came in with lots of family members, including her son-in-law who lives closer to Chichi and has accepted the Lord. His parents are still in the “Catholic” church and not interested in accepting Christ so far. We will definitely be praying for her this week. We are operating either Tuesday or Wednesday; I can’t remember right now.o:p>
Now it’s pretty much time for bed, as tomorrow will also be long. We will do 3 or maybe 4 surgeries and surely see tons more patients also so we’ll see how it goes. Thanks for all of your prayers—and good night!
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