Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Busy First Week

Forgive us for any typos, but this entry is written on a Spanish Language keyboard and not all the keys are in the same place! We are in Antigua for a few days... one more than expected... to trade partners for the week. Dr. and Mrs. Street were with us for the last week, helping us to find many of the clinics we´ll be working at, meeting lots of people, teaching, teaching, and then teaching some more. We dropped them off at the Guatemala City Airport this morning, then waited to pick up Carrie and Russell, who will be helping us with some more administrative and non-medical stuff. We only got Russ, though, because they wouldn´t let Carrie on the plane in Houston. Apparently her overworked passport didn´t look like it was up to the task of one more trip, so they told her she could come down on Tuesday with a new passport. So we wait here in beautiful Antigua. Like my friend Trip says, if this is the worst thing that happens to us all day, it´ll be okay.

Anyway, we had a busy first week. We travelled to about 10 or 12 different places in Guatemala, met lots of awesome people, and were presented with several enticing possibilities for further work and exploration. One involves Heidi´s passion for teaching OB/GYN. Another involves doing some significant pre-natal work in outlying areas. We´re sure that many are yet to come. We will be praying for guidance. As we were told before coming down, the needs far exceed our resources and we want to make sure that we´re doing what God wants us to be doing, not what we want to do. (With any luck, they´ll be the same thing!!!)

Well, that´s all for now. We´ll be posting pictures when we get home to our own computer. We have lots, but we´ll spare you the ones of 6 inch moths and Guatemalan Coke Cans...

Lots of love and we´ll chat more soon!!!

Forgive us for any typos, but this one is written on a

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm curious. How's your GPS unit working down there? Does it help with the clinic navigation or is the canopy too thick in most areas?