Monday, June 18, 2007

Every Day an Adventure

Today we had clinic in Chicabracan. It was our first time there in a month and our first time there with Juan Diego (our evangelist friend) in nearly two months. It was, again, a great experience. Juan Diego did a wonderful job of teaching a message before clinc, then basically just made himself accessible to the patients who were waiting during clinic. We saw about 40 people - many of our chronic patients (who are quickly becoming friends) and a few new people. Word is spreading.

After clinic, we came back home, unloaded the truck, reloaded the truck, and headed to Chichicastenango for a meeting with some of the area medical missionaries. We've started networking with this group to share ideas, inspiration, patients, advice, and medicine. This time we got ambushed with a baby shower (before the meeting). We didn't know we were going to have a baby shower at all, so we had bought a bunch of stuff on eBay. It's amazing how much stuff you can still get that you want/need even when you think you have everything you need. We got some VERY cute things for Isaac. So much thanks to Sharon, Virginia, and the girls at ASELSI!

Leaving ASELSI and heading for home, we got within about a mile of Quiche and all of a sudden, traffic was stopped. Matt walked up a ways and asked what was going on. Just past a small bridge, a semi-truck full of crude oil had turned over and blocked both lanes of traffic. Foot traffic (from unloading chicken buses) was passing, but no vehicles. We called our friend Martin, who has a semi-truck wrecker, to see if he was on his way to the scene. He told us he had already been and that they needed more equipment than he had. His advice was to go back and take a "back road" to get home. Back road, indeed.

So we were originally about a mile or two from home. An hour later, we came rolling back in to town. However, we have to go to Guatemala City tomorrow morning for our OB appointment, so we're a little concerned about how we're going to do that. Martin's original opinion was that that truck could be there for at least a day. We'll see...

When we got home, the VBS group was unwinding from their day of work in San Pedro. Heidi had gone to our room to relax and unpack a few things when they started redecorating our living room with more baby stuff. Our second ambush baby shower of the day!!!! We lucked out! Isaac has more cute clothes than any 10 kids in this entire country now! We promise to post lots of pictures (well, not too many - maybe) of him wearing all the cute stuff he got from a group of experienced parents and grandparents. Lots of special thanks to all the very generous people from this group. It was wonderful and completely unexpected!!!!

Anyway, the first pic is from ASELSI and the second two are of the redecorated living room. Clearly we didn't take too many pictures of ourselves, but there are plenty to go around, so we'll have to swipe some from the team members and post them later!


Heidi Durham said...

Sounds/looks like fun! That's so nice for everyone to AMBUSH you like that! Much better than other types of ambushes. (I can still remember when my brothers would ambush me, tag team and sit on my head and fart on me. That was NOT a fun ambush!) Anyway, thinking of you as you get closer to your due date... LOVE AND MISS YOU! Heidi (Can't wait to see you!)

Anonymous said...

What a loving, generous gesture from your friends! I went shopping for Isaac again yesterday for a "surprise". Monday was a day to remember for all of you.

Love you all, Mom