Friday, March 14, 2008


Last night, we got a nice present from Charlie. He offered to watch Isaac while we went out to eat - on an actual date. We don't get too many of those, so it was pretty nice. We got Isaac to bed before we left, so Charlie had a relatively easy go of it, but while he was feasting on leftover spaghetti, we had a restaurant meal. It wasn't anything to write home about, but it was a date. YAY!

This morning, Heidi and Charlie headed off to Heidi's OB/GYN clinic in Chichicastenango where they rounded up a surgery for two weeks from now when we have another student in.

Matt and Isaac supervised some more work on the addition. They sure are going through a lot of materials! Guess that's what happens when you build a house.

We also got to "watch" some basketball (if you count following games on GameTracker). Both MSU and UNC won their first round games in their respective conference tournaments. WEE!

Below you can see some pictures of the building project. In the first one, you can see the forms laid out for the bottom of the foundation. In the second, you can see how cement gets poured in. They're using a gas powered cement mixer to mix cement into a wooden box. Then they shovel it into buckets and hand pour it into the forms. That is a LOT of work. Isaac, study hard in school, buddy.

In the third pic, you can see the finished bottom level of the foundation on that end of the building. Now they start to build forms for the foundation itself, including the rebar frames you see. That'll be poured tomorrow. The fourth pic is another angle.

And the last pic is a little fun we had with Isaac and Photoshop. He has to support both Mommy and Daddy's schools. Ah, the joy of being caught in the middle of that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photo of Isaac trying to keep BOTH of his parents happy!!

God bless you all,