Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Busy "Day Off"

Well, today was the second day of our supposed weekend. Heidi is still recovering from a nasty cold and is trying to lay low. But we got up this morning, returned a bunch of e-mails (we're starting to hear from other missionaries here and we're very excited about meeting some soon), Matt went to the gym, and then we went to town.

There is a place here called Aprofam, which is a low cost health-care provider. Example, they do vasectomies and tubal ligations for Q25 (about three dollars and change). The people there are very nice and we got to meet them and learn a little bit more about what they do. They can do EKGs, some vaccinations, ultrasounds, and other basic stuff. We will definitely be referring some patients there for services we cannot provide in our clinics.

Also very exciting, we found a new local nursery (plant nursery - no rumors, please) that's been here for four months, so we bought some tropical plants. We're working on sprucing up the east courtyard now. And at about 4pm this afternoon, Matt decided to discover what lay beneath the wild growth at the front of the house. Jim and Kathleen really did a nice job of setting the place up for some beautiful landscaping. Most of the front of the house has rock beds (currently overgrown with weeds) and Matt cleared about half of those out this afternoon. We'll see what comes of all that now that we know there is a really cheap local nursery (we bought six large plants today for less than $100.)

Anyway, the first picture is a shot through our kitchen window at the soccer field we've told you about. The second is a shot from the doorway of the great room out towards the east courtyard. It is really still a work in progress, but we have GRAND designs! And the third shot is the dinner Matt came into tonight. Barbecue steak, homemade mashed potatoes, and cucumbers with balsamic vinegar and cheese. No, we're not exactly starving here!

Tomorrow we have a morning meeting to introduce Dr. Valez (the Area Health Manager) to the Fickers. He is very excited to hear about their new plane and they want to be able to coordinate efforts. Tomorrow night dinner is with Jose and Pam Munoz, a local couple we know through Jacob.

The hospital is still closed. Please keep that situation in your prayers!!!!

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Anonymous said...

If Matt needs some exercise, it looks like all he has to do is join the soccer match with the locals out the front door. Hope you get to feeling better, Heidi. Take care of yourself. It is nice to see all that you are doing at the dorm, making it into your home.
Shall we stop calling it the dorm and start calling it Matt and Heidi's house?

Mary Jean said...

Dinner looks delicious! Looking forward to seeing four plates on your table in November.

Your courtyard appears to be a great space to enjoy. I'm sure that your improvements will enhance it even more.

Pray that Heidi feels better soon and that Matthew doesn't share the bug (or is that what you call the crud?).

Love you both,
Mom and Dad Bell

Mary Jean said...
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