We hosted some of the hospital staff for dinner tonight (Gencha was cooking, not us. Don't worry!) The first picture is a shot of the room during dinner. The next few shots are the required surgery shots. Okay, two are surgery shots and one is a couple guys goofing off, but there's a very fine line between the two. Really.
Anyway, that's it for today. We're very tired. Just a few more surgeries tomorrow, then the team leaves right after lunch. We'll write more tomorrow.
Pray for the rest of our patients and for the team to have a safe and fun journey to Antigua, then back home to Texas.

All I ask is that you keep the medical pictures coming! Nothing better than seeing what Heidi pulls out of people... By the way, why is she always "pulling stuff out?" Can't she, just once, "put something new in?" Can't she install any plumbing down there?
By the way, your blog (and one of my professors) has convinced me to take the plunge and see what it's like to keep an on-line diary/commentary. Hence, the Old97. It doesn't have much yet, but give me some time. If you hadn't guessed, this is Daryl writing. I follow y'all's blog daily to see what's up. When will y'all post a calender for us to think about a "roadtrip?" My semester starts in a few weeks, but it's never to soon to plan the Spring!
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