This is the blog for Agape in Action, a medically centered mission based in Santa Cruz del Quiche, Guatemala. Here we will post stories, pictures, and prayer requests. Please visit often and keep us in your prayers!
Friday, August 25, 2006
Music... Another International Language (Illustrated Version)
Matt, next time someone down there complains about a surgery, why not just put on your dark shades and ask "what d'ya want for nothing? Rrrrrrrrrrrubber biscuit?"
Matt, next time someone down there complains about a surgery, why not just put on your dark shades and ask "what d'ya want for nothing? Rrrrrrrrrrrubber biscuit?"
We are a group of individuals all called to serve Jesus Christ in different capacities. Some of us are in the United States, raising money. Others of us are in the central highlands of Guatemala, directly serving people in the name of Christ. This blog is the story of the work God is doing through us.
Matt, next time someone down there complains about a surgery, why not just put on your dark shades and ask "what d'ya want for nothing? Rrrrrrrrrrrubber biscuit?"
Matt, next time someone down there complains about a surgery, why not just put on your dark shades and ask "what d'ya want for nothing? Rrrrrrrrrrrubber biscuit?"
(Bow, bow, ohh-oh-weee-ohhhhh....)
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